The State Fair kicked off a few days ago. I made mad dash to do take advantage of an excellent advertising opportunity. It finally motivated me to find the time to look over some really top notch ads that Nd_Appy with her most amazing art skills had sent to me. She produced a flyer and did my changes in literally 2 minutes. Talk about speedy!
She also off the top of her head produced some business cards. Two sided slices of professional awesomeness. (I think by using the term "professional awesomeness" I may not qualify to be in that category, but they are awesome) I spent a couple hours friday evening putting them up in all the horse barns, by the bathrooms and the arenas. When I checked them yesterday, a few cards had been ripped off and one flyer was completely missing. I can only hope whoever took them needed more than bathroom reading or toilet paper and that maybe I'll be getting some calls (fingers crossed).
I'm showing Studly at the fair on Saturday and Sunday so I have a little time to enjoy it. Now I'm off to eat something totally gross, yet oh so delicious at the same time. So, without further delay, here is the flyer and both sides of the business card. (Sorry if they show up goofy, you may have to click for a better view.)